Delbert Kirsch Will Go For a Fourth Term in Batoche

May 09, 2014

St. Benedict — Long-time MLA Delbert Kirsch will be nominated Sunday as the Saskatchewan Party candidate in Batoche for the next provincial election.

“I want to thank the constituents of Batoche,” Kirsch said. “I am honoured to run again and I appreciate the opportunity to serve them. I really enjoy what I have gained personally by representing the Batoche constituency and I’m proud of the things our government has been able to accomplish for the people of Saskatchewan.”

First elected in the 2003 provincial election and re-elected in 2007 and 2011, Kirsch has enjoyed serving the people of the Batoche constituency. During his term in opposition, he served as the Saskatchewan Party critic for Forestry, deputy critic for Northern Affairs and Industry & Commerce. He was also vice-chair of the Committee on the Economy.

Following the formation of a Saskatchewan Party government in November 2007, Premier Brad Wall asked Kirsch to serve as the Chair of the Legislature's Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs and Justice. Premier Wall appointed him as the Legislative Secretary to the Premier, Saskatchewan Heritage Initiative, as well as Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing.

Kirsch was also a member of the Legislative Committee and the Caucus Policy Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs and Justice as well as a member of the House Services Committee. He chaired the Private Member’s Committee and the Standing Committee on Crowns and Central Agencies. He also served as the Deputy Government House Leader.Kirsch currently serves as the Chair of Human Services Standing Committee and Caucus Policy Committee and is a member of the Privileges House Committee.

Kirsch feels that the education property tax cuts in the 2009-10 Budget were very important in his constituency.

“As someone who lives in rural Saskatchewan, I believe that the education property tax cuts were a big help to my rural constituents,” Kirsch said. “It was a huge weight lifted off of people’s backs and in some cases reduced education property taxes by 60 per cent. It represented the largest education property tax cut in a single year in the province's history.”

Kirsch wants to keep Saskatchewan moving forward.

“I have really enjoyed being part of the change in Saskatchewan,” Kirsch said. “But the work isn’t done yet. There is so much more we have yet to do to build and grow the province and I feel I still have a lot to contribute.”

With Kirsch’s nomination as the candidate for Batoche, the Saskatchewan Party has nominated 24 candidates for the next provincial election.


Media Advisory: The Batoche nomination meeting is Friday, May 9, 2014 at the St. Benedict's Gym (St. Benedict, SK). Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.

For more information: The Saskatchewan Party, 306.359.1638 or 1.800.966.9611.