
A re-elected Saskatchewan Party would:

  • Strengthen Saskatchewan's competitive advantage by introducing Canada's first "patent box" incentivefor developing and commercializing new patents here in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan’s economy has become increasingly diversified and has remained strong even while the government's budget is tight due to lower resources revenues.

For example:

  • Our population has grown by over 12,000 people in the past year - the 2nd fastest growth rate in Canada.
  • Saskatchewan has had the 2nd best job creation record in Canada, 68,800 new jobs. That’s 24 new jobs a day for 8 years.
  • Our agri-food exports have now exceeded $15 billion to 145 countries, surpassing our growth plan target 5 years early.

In 2009, when fiscal conditions were similar in Saskatchewan, we managed the budget prudently to ensure the province remained in a position of strength. 

We are proud of our fiscal record of debt repayment, tax reduction and shrinking the size of government. 

It’s a stark contrast to what the NDP would do when resource prices were lower. They raised your taxes (21 times in 16 years!), stopped investing in infrastructure and ground our economy to a halt. Let’s never go back.


I Want To Keep Our Province Strong And Growing