Premier Scott Moe Calls Election for Monday, October 26

"Who do you trust to lead Saskatchewan's economic recovery?"
Premier Scott Moe said that will be the question in the campaign for the October 26 provincial election, which officially began today.
"The Saskatchewan Party has a plan for a strong Saskatchewan - for a strong economy, strong communities and strong families," Moe said. "Already, we are seeing signs of a strong recovery from the pandemic, as more jobs are being created every month and Saskatchewan now has the lowest unemployment rate in the country.
"Over the next four weeks, the Saskatchewan Party will outline our plan for a strong recovery and a strong Saskatchewan. It's a plan for a growing economy and a growing province. It's a plan to make life more affordable for everyone. And it's a plan that will see our budget return to balance by 2024."
Moe said the Saskatchewan Party's strong economic record is a far cry from the dismal record of the NDP when it was in government.
"The NDP could never grow the economy and the province, even when there wasn't a pandemic. They had the worst job creation record in the country. They drove people, jobs and opportunities out of our province. They furthered that decline by closing hospitals, schools and long-term care beds for seniors. That's the NDP record. Let's never go back to that."
Moe said the Saskatchewan Party has a strong record of economic growth, new investment and job creation over its time in government, while an NDP government would mean a weaker economy and a weaker Saskatchewan.
"The NDP Leader supports a carbon tax. And he has condemned hard-working Saskatchewan people when they stood up for our energy and agriculture industries in this province. Mr. Meili has also made hundreds of millions of dollars of spending promises with no explanation of how he would pay for it. The NDP would drive our budget billions of dollars into deficit and drive up your taxes. They're a risk we can't afford."
Moe said the choice on Election Day is clear.
"A strong economy or a weaker economy. A growing Saskatchewan or a declining Saskatchewan. Economic growth and more jobs or economic decline and more jobs leaving the province.
"A strong Saskatchewan with the Saskatchewan Party or a weaker Saskatchewan under the NDP. That's the choice in this election, and over the next four weeks, your Saskatchewan Party candidates will be working hard to present that choice and earn your support in every part of our great province."