Warren Kaeding Acclaimed as Saskatchewan Party Candidate for Melville-Saltcoats

Warren Kaeding Acclaimed as Saskatchewan Party Candidate for Melville-Saltcoats February 13, 2019

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2019

Churchbridge, SK – Warren Kaeding was acclaimed by local Saskatchewan Party members to be the candidate for the Melville-Saltcoats constituency in the 2020 provincial election. Kaeding was first elected in the 2016 election.

“After winning a close contested nomination for the 2016 election, to have the full support of Saskatchewan Party members here in advance of the 2020 election is truly humbling,” said Kaeding. “I want to thank our local members, and all of my constituents, for the support I have received these past few years.”

On February 2, 2018, Kaeding was appointed Minister of Government Relations and Minister of First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs by Premier Scott Moe. He has served as a member of the Standing Committee on Crown and Central Agencies, the Public Accounts Committee, the Standing Committee on the Economy, and the caucus Legislation and Regulation Review Committee.

Kaeding has worked as a Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture (irrigation expansion), as well as a Legislative Secretary to the Minister responsible for SaskTel (cellular coverage and internet coverage).

“There’s absolutely no question about what party supports the rural areas of our province, and it’s the Saskatchewan Party,” said Kaeding. “The NDP closed hospitals and schools, which devastated rural Saskatchewan. Now, with our Saskatchewan Party government, the future of our Saskatchewan is strong and has never looked more bright.”

With Kaeding’s nomination the Saskatchewan Party has nominated 27 candidates in advance of the 2020 election.

The next nomination meeting will be held on February 20, 2019 in the constituency of Humboldt-Watrous.
