March 4, 2023 Horizon Update
March 04, 2023Growth that Works
With the highest year-over-year employment growth at 9.6%, Saskatoon led the nation in 2022!
Industries from around the world and at home continue to invest in Saskatchewan, creating jobs for residents in every corner of our province.
Sharing Saskatchewan’s story around the world
Premier Scott Moe is currently on a trade mission to India, promoting Saskatchewan and creating new markets for our industries.
Advancing Saskatchewan’s trade and export opportunities supports growing our economy, creating jobs and allowing us to invest in programs and services that matter most to you.
Our efforts to build up Saskatchewan are working. For the first time ever, Saskatchewan exports to Mexico have exceeded $1 billion, with canola seed making up over 50% of the total.
That’s growth that works for everyone.
Investing in Health Care
Our ambitious Health Human Resources Action Plan continues to make a positive impact in communities across Saskatchewan!
From welcoming our first healthcare workers from the Philippines, to adding 550 additional post-secondary training seats, and hiring 72 recent nursing graduates, we are seeing tangible results in our effort to recruit, train, incentivize and retain healthcare workers in our province.
The new Regina Urgent Care Centre is now 50% complete and expected to be completed in late 2023. It will provide 24/7 service, including care for those who require mental health and addictions support.