NDP commitments total nearly $5 BILLION and the campaign hasn’t even started

Cam Broten and the NDP are already planning a massive $5 billion spending spree over four years that will drive Saskatchewan deep into the red and weaken our economy. 

From public events and statements to commitments on their website, the NDP plan to spend your money in a major way.

The question becomes: How are they going to pay for it all?

Either with HUGE deficits, LARGE tax increases or a combination of BOTH. We just can’t afford to let the NDP take us deeper into debt, ruin our AAA credit rating, and raise your family’s taxes.

Here are some of the big ticket items on the NDP spending spree: 

Advanced Education (Increase aboriginal education seats[1], graduate retention program enhancements[2], student affordability measures[1]): $174.5 million over four years

Agriculture (Protecting native and community pastures[1]): $104 million over four years 

Central Services/Crowns (Enhancing CPP at a cost to the Saskatchewan Government as an employer[3], government crown investments[1] and “hard expansion” of SaskPower’s new renewables plan for 2030 with “minimum of 50% renewables”[4]): $1.17 billion over four years

Education (Anti-bully measures[1], increasing educational assistants[1], cap classroom sizes[1], repair leaks roofs/gyms[1], mid-year school division funding increases[5], solve First Nations children education inequality[1], more child care spaces[1]): $998.4 million over four years 

Environment (Restoring climate change and environmental assessment and protection programs[1]): $120 million over four years

Health (Minimum care standards for seniors[1], restore RQHR surgical funding to 2014-15 levels[6], more spaces/choice for seniors[1], convert SK Hospital North Battleford to traditional build[7], help seniors stay in their homes[1], seniors affordability measures[1], new seniors advocate[1], ER wait times initiative[8], cap ambulance fees[1], add beds and extend ER hours at City Hospital[9], multi-year hospital repair plan[1]): $1.92 billion over four years  

Parks, Culture, Sport (Restore Film Employment Tax Credit[1]): $80 million over four years

Social Services (Poverty reduction strategy and basic income pilot project[1], enhance domestic violence funding): $329 million over four years



[1] www.saskndp.ca, December 2015
[2] Saskatchewan Hansard, March 26, 2015
[3] NDP Caucus News Release, December 21, 2015
[4] CBC News, “Sask. premier missing opportunity to create green jobs: Cam Broten wants provincial funding to support it”, December 4, 2015
[5] NDP Caucus News Release, February 10, 2016
[6] Saskatchewan Hansard, October 22, 2015
[7] NDP Caucus News Release, September 21, 2015
[8] NDP Campaign Promise, February 25, 2016
[9] NDP Campaign Promise, February 26, 2016