Gary Grewal/Premier Kick Off By-election Campaign in Regina Northeast

Premier, SaskParty Candidate Say Campaign Will Focus on Economy, Carbon Tax Fight
Regina - Premier Scott Moe today joined Saskatchewan Party candidate Gary Grewal to kick off the Regina Northeast by-election campaign. Earlier today, Premier Moe called the by-election for September 12.
“Gary has always been an active member of the Regina Northeast community as a volunteer and local business owner,” Moe said. “He understands the importance of listening to constituents and will be a hard-working MLA if elected on September 12.”
Grewal emphasized that Premier Scott Moe and the Saskatchewan Party MLAs will continue the legal battle to take on the Trudeau government in court against imposing the costly and ineffective carbon tax on Saskatchewan.
“The number one thing we hear on the doorsteps is that we need to continue to take action against the Trudeau carbon tax.” Grewal said. “In contrast, the NDP and their new leader Ryan Meili have said they support a carbon tax on Saskatchewan families and that they oppose Premier Moe’s decision to fight the carbon tax in court.
“A recent poll showed that 88 per cent of Saskatchewan people support Premier Moe’s fight against the carbon tax. The NDP may want to wave the white flag, but the Saskatchewan Party will keep standing up for Saskatchewan.” Moe said voters will also have a choice of who is best to manage Saskatchewan’s economy during this challenging time.
“While our economy is showing signs of improvement, we still face many challenges, like trade wars that threaten our export markets and, of course, the potentially job-killing Trudeau carbon tax,” Moe said. “Regina Northeast voters will have a choice between the Saskatchewan Party’s strong economic record and the tax-and-spend approach of the NDP, that would cost families more, kill jobs and take Saskatchewan backward.”
Moe and Grewal noted that since the Saskatchewan Party government was first elected in 2007, Regina has seen a decade of growth and significant capital investments including several new schools, the Regina bypass, and the new Mosaic Stadium.
“I look forward to representing the constituents of Regina Northeast,” Grewal said. “Ever since I moved to Saskatchewan 35 years ago, I have always felt welcomed by the community in Regina. It truly is a great place to live and work and I would like to continue to work towards keeping it that way.”
Grewal said he has already been out door-knocking and meeting voters for the past several weeks and will continue to do so now that the campaign is officially underway.